The Ugly Truth We Must Now Face

The Ugly Truth We Must Now Face

We now know that the CIA killed JFK, RFK, and MLK.  We know Obama, Clinton, and the CIA stole the election in 2020.  We know Obama, the CIA and FBI planned and orchestrated the assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump July 13, 2024.  And, we know that January 6th was planned and orchestrated by Nancy Pelosi and the FBI to entrap innocent US citizens and a sitting president.  So, why shouldn't we now turn our attention to 9/11 with a critical lens and come to terms with the fact that the US government planned and orchestrated this terrorist attack as a way to start destroying our Constitutional Republic.

I was in Vancouver, traveling on business, on September 11, 2001 and it took me 5 days to "planes, trains and automobiles" my way back home to the east coast.  Looking back at what we were told and what we believed for so many years, it's difficult to come to terms with the truth about that day 23 years ago.

Now is the time to critically evaluate everything we have been told by a government that has been lying to us and hiding the truth for decades.  So, let's dig into the details.

1. The Collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7

Evidence: The rapid collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7, which some argue resembles controlled demolitions. The presence of molten metal at Ground Zero and the symmetrical fall of the towers.  There is no way that the fuel from one plane would have caused that entire building to collapse (and collapse that perfectly?).

Official Explanation: According to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), the impact of the planes and subsequent fires caused structural failures, leading to the collapses. For Building 7, fires from debris impact weakened the structure, leading to its collapse.

Counterarguments: Experts argue that fires have never caused steel-framed buildings to collapse in this manner before. So, why did this particular fire act differently and somehow neatly collapse the buildings in a manner very consistent with planned demolition via explosives?

2. The Pentagon Attack

Evidence: The size of the hole in the Pentagon, which some claim was too small for a Boeing 757, suggesting a missile or smaller aircraft.

Official Explanation: The plane's wings could have disintegrated or sheared off upon impact, explaining the hole's size.

Counterarguments: Detailed analyses by Popular Mechanics and others argue that the structural damage and the way the plane hit could account for the observed damage without needing to invoke a missile.  However; Judicial Watch has recently attained new video surveillance from that day and it is conclusive that no plane hit the pentagon - it was clearly a missile.

3. Flight 93

Evidence: Theories suggest it was shot down or that the crash site was too small for a commercial jet.

Official Explanation: Passenger intervention caused the crash. Debris was indeed found, supporting the official narrative.

Counterarguments: The crash's dynamics could explain the debris field, and cockpit recordings support passenger intervention.

4. Foreknowledge and Insider Trading

Evidence: Unusual trading activity in put options on airlines involved in the attacks, suggesting foreknowledge.

Official Explanation: Investigations found no conclusive link between these trades and anyone with prior knowledge of the attacks.  We know this to be false, but it is still the official position of the US government.

Counterarguments: While suspicious, similar trading patterns occur without foreknowledge, and the investigations found no direct link to 9/11 conspirators.

5. The Official Investigations

Criticism: The 9/11 Commission Report has been criticized for being incomplete or a cover-up.

Defense: While not without flaws, it remains the most comprehensive official account, detailing failures in intelligence and communication.  But, let's be honest here - the Warren Report was said to have been as similar comprehensive account and it was all orchestrated by the CIA.

6. Technological and Physical Anomalies

Evidence: Claims of thermite or nanothermite found in the dust, suggesting the use of explosives.

Official Explanation: The presence of such materials could be explained by common building materials or paint, not necessarily explosives.  Really?  A can of turpentine caused this?

Counterarguments: While some studies claim to have found evidence of thermite, these findings are contested by the broader scientific community.  Again, this community is paid to say what the government wants them to say.


The debate over 9/11 being an "inside job" has been vehemently denied by the US government for 23 years, but there are more and more cracks showing up in their case and newly discovered evidence is shedding new light on the truth. 

The rule of thumb that I follow is this - If the government and mainstream media are calling something a "conspiracy theory", then rest assured that it is in fact the truth.

Remembering 9/11 will never be the same for me again.  I have seen the truth and I can never go back to thinking this was an attack by outsiders alone.  The government of the United States Of America attacked it's own people and murdered thousands of innocent human beings, all for the purpose of dismantling the Constitution, stripping us of our rights, and turning us all into slaves.

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